Saturday, August 16, 2014

Yes, He died for YOU!

  No matter what you do or think, Jesus died for you. It is that simple. You can never get away from that fact, even by saying you don't believe it, because it is a well documented fact. No matter where you are at in y...our life, no matter how much the enemy of your soul wants you to believe that you can never be good enough for Jesus or God to love you, the real truth is that you can never be too far away from Him. He suffered the most horrendous beating and death, so that you, through faith in Him, might have eternal life. You do not have to do anything, He has done it all, you do not have to 'be better' or work harder, you just have to confess that you are a sinner and that you believe that God sent His only begotten Son to die as your sin offering. Invite Jesus Christ into your heart and ask Him to forgive your sins and He will save you and give you eternal life. We offend Jesus when we strive to 'do' something to earn our place beside Him in heaven - if we could do that, then He would not have had to suffer and die for us.

The horror and suffering of the cross gives way to the amazing understanding that He is RISEN! Jesus conquered the grave, death could not hold Him and through His resurrection power, we have eternal life. Hallelujah! Not only can we look forward to an eternal life in heaven with our Lord and Saviour, but we can live an abundant life here on earth. We have the Holy Spirit within and we have had ALL our sicknesses and diseases removed and nailed to the cross, they died with Jesus, and He most definitely did not resurrect them! So begin to believe the truth, do not believe the lies of the enemy who puts symptoms of illness and disease on you. Start to claim and visualize your healing and good health and it will come. Let us begin to live the life that we are born to live, one free of the shackles that the enemy would bind us with. Let's stand and be strong in the power of Jesus' finished work at the cross.

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