Tuesday, August 26, 2014


PEACE is being able to walk in your circumstances and stay patient as God guides you down the path He has planned for your life. However, sometimes, if we are not careful, we will take our frustrations out on others... doing and saying things that we later regret.

As difficult as it can sometimes get, do your very best to be kind to others during those days that seem to be challenging and you ge...t a bit frustrated, being careful as not to use others as your "bad mood" pin cushion! Take time out for yourself to get back to a place of calm and relaxation just as God intends for you to be.

Remember to treat others with love, respect and compassion at all times, even in the times you are afraid, you feel anxious or you are having a very challenging day. Always allow God's gift of peace to remain upon you by spending some "alone time" with Him. Only He can restore you and help you leap hurdles over your circumstances as you patiently wait for Him to answer any prayer requests and open up doors of favor on your behalf. HE LOVES YOU AND HE UNDERSTANDS.

“And the PEACE OF GOD, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

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